[3mThe premier issue! The software reviewed was old even then -; but now it can be considered mature.
[0mTIssue 2. - Apr.93.
[3mA great early issue. A well balanced mix of reviews, a lot of) it now classic PD.
[0mQIssue 3. - May 93.
[3mThe fractal issue! Eleven fractal programs reviewed plus a; hypertext feature and other reviews.
[0mPIssue 4. - Jul.93.
[3mA new interface and a whole new look to the mag. Columns,G letters to the editor and a feature on diskmags.
[0mOIssue 5. - Oct.93.
[3mSplatman and Andrew Woods appear as columnists. The mostA popular cover and a great issue all round.
[0mMIssue 6. - Dec.93.
[3mThe Christmas issue! Music now by Ted Jones. Anims andN slideshows feature. Andrew Woods' Raw and Sore appears.
[0mLIssue 7. - Mar.94.
[3mDiskmag's feature, as do NZ demos. Has a new look andK interface. An exercise in how to bow out with style.
3 Turn page for prices...PAmy PD and Shareware Review was a disk magazine devoted to reviewing Amiga PDPand shareware software. The reviews cover all types of software to appear in thePpublic domain, from PD demos to shareware applications, and all receive the samePin-depth analysis with screenshots used throughout. The rest of the magazine,Pfrom it's interface to it's graphics, is gloriously uneven in quality and a lotPof fun. The covers however are all original raytraces done especially for the magazine.
PAmy PD and Shareware Review was produced with Magnetic Pages 1.3 and will run on+all Amigas with
a meg. or more of memory.
PPrices per issue of Amy PD and Shareware Review. P&P included. Cash acceptable3in the following denominations - notes only please.
I New Zealand - $5.00 (Cheques should be made out to C.D. Read.)E Australia - $5.00 UK -